TO MENU

        Working on print projects is always interesting, because the joy of creating something that can be held in your hand is incredible. That’s one of the reasons this project was so awesome. Working with folks who know the ins and outs of print and make gorgeous paper products was a blast.

        When the folks at Zoomin approached me for work, I was thrilled because it’s always nice to work with someone who says “your work speaks to us, let’s make something awesome together”. A quick lookup told me that they made some pretty cool photo-merch. And after a few emails back and forth, they hosted me at their lovely office, where I legit felt like a kid at a toy factory. Being a print nerd, the array of  printers, papers and pretty products being made at their office really gave me a case of the sparkly eyes.

        After the awesome office tour, we brainstormed on what we could create to make Zoomin awesome-er and decided to start with designer square prints. Now here’s why that’s awesome – these prints were to be sent as freebies to customers along with their square print orders! I love me a brand who goes that extra mile to make their customers happy. And so we set upon the task of creating freebies to delight customers.

        Now, Zoomin products are all photo-based – they print up your memories beautifully on products of your choice. As this is essentially a service that’s quite personal in nature, we felt it would be great if we could work the nature of the order into the freebie set. And so we came up with some themes based on the type of customer / order and I then came up with some designs based on these. The idea was to create designs with a blend of typography, shapes and illustrations, while making sure they lined up with the themes chosen.

        And thus, these beauties were born –

        Square prints designed for Zoomin

        Square prints designed for Zoomin

        Square prints designed for Zoomin

        Square prints designed for Zoomin

        Square prints designed for Zoomin

        Square prints designed for Zoomin

        Knowing that photo print orders were bound to be varied, the designs were made such that the prints were beautiful on their own, as well as a good addition to the print set.

        We also felt the Zoomin thank you cards could use a design refresh, and so we came up with some new, on-brand Thank you cards –


        How gorgeous are these?



        The folks at Zoomin also printed up some of my pictures. And I must say, the beautiful matte finish with colors that looked just like I intended, meant that I loved the prints so much I could eat them! ( I didn’t, of course :p ) If you’d like to get your hands on some of these,  you should definitely order yourself a set of  Zoomin square prints. Do let us know how you like them in comments below.

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